Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Accept the modest responsibilities today!

Every act of consideration, how minute it might appear 

on face, is backed by so many efforts of the unseen 

faces; But some of them are so oftenly seen, that we 

tend to ignore what difference they have been making in 

our lives.

No act is too insignificant. For my mum, Who wakes me up 

shouting each day, scorns at me when I get back home 

late and almost kills me when I induldge in an arguement 

with her. All the efforts she makes throughout the day, 

and doing so from so many years have came along so 

unnoticed. Her effort to send us to school, then to 

creche, then to tuitions and then to college. We grew 

up, so busy during our adolescence, unaware of the 

difficulties of raising children. Today on realising, we 

still fail to give her the due. And she understands, 

demanding nothing but ears to hear her routine, a touch 

to assure that no matter what, we are there and a smile 

to tell her that all is well. The little things a mother 

does, cannot be replaced by anything in the world.

For my sister, who listened to all my stories with such 

an interest in her eyes, she came to me for every little 

decision to be taken calling me 'didi, didi'.. Gone are 

those days now, but those moments stay etched in our 

hearts. Today we sit and chat, but that innocence is 

long gone. We still have sweet little nothings to offer 

to each other, which makes a lot of difference.

I particularly mentioned these two faces for they hold a 

great importance for me and I forget to acknowledge 

their presence each day. And today, I realise how 

special they are to me for all the gestures and smiles 

exchanged are far above the growls and fights we tend to 


Monday, June 13, 2011

This night

This night, Ah! stark black
why cant i see clearly
where am i heading..
why do you keep coming
back and again
smile at me,
make fun of me..
Why do i still feel
your gentle touch
caressing my face
that only holds
an expression of being lost today.

This night
reminds me of so many nights
when we walked to those mountains
stayed in seclusion
oh! how dreamy were we!
unaware of the realities
we had to face.

and here it is
this night,
when i can only long for you
and can't express it
for the wall that
was built between us
holding a lamp
which you and i
refused to light
and chose to remain
alone, in this night.