Friday, December 16, 2011

To all those who do not know what yearning is!

The red moon in the sky, how beautiful it could have been after being eclipsed last night! The cold breeze and delhi's traffic pasing along when you are sitting in a slow moving auto, the headlights glaring at you, street lights gleaming unthankfully and the continuos honking which is annoying. With someone talking to you, hearing certain experiences make you ponder upon certain situations and happenings in your life. Exactly this is what I went through in the evening today. I spent a huge amount, got momentary happiness and a bulk of guilt while returning :P

I kept thinking about those who don't have yearning for what they claim to be theirs, who do not long to be with them despite of saying "I miss you." It happens with all of us, We dread to lose some people, some articles in our lives for their invaluable existence. I somewhere started wishing that I could be as cold and unreachable. But suddenly something panged in me and I pitied those who couldn't feel the way I could, human beings could!

For those who couldn't realise what yearning is, what longing means, how difficult it is to wait and what a pure emotion comes out of experiencing it all, I would pray for them :) 

The moon couldn't be mine
i didn't stop looking at it
i still wished
i still dreamt
i still hoped..

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