Sunday, November 27, 2011

Growing up

The eyes, those very innocent..
were waiting
for the figure which appeared each evening
and took her back
to 'their' home.
Seeing her mother
from that balcony
made her smile with joy
and she rushed down
the staircase.
she never hugged, nor did she jump.
The emotion remained concealed.

The mind, which was growing,
started observing
people, places and politics.
With each word she read,
each person she met,
she felt a stronger desire
to talk more
to know more
to engage herself.
She never said it, nor did she show.
The want remained quiet.

The heart, profound,
had felt the happiness
and the grief
all along.
Life was as it is suppossed to be,
And she was growing.
The wait had been long.
Eyes, still in search
and the mind, still trying to figure out.
She never denied the feeling, nor did she supress it.
The pain remained throbbing.

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